Add your Azure Subscription v1 only to System Center Virtual Machine manager 2016 #SCVMM #Azure #MSCloud

When you are testing Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) in System Center 2016 and you want to connect your Azure Subscription connected you need a Certificate and publish this is the admin portal. But as you thought he cool I can access all my resource groups VM’s and my old VM’s eh no VMM 2016 Preview can only manage  the old VM’s.

To do this go to the VMM Console and Add Subscription


Easy as it is fill in the blanks

The Display name is the name you want and has no pointer to Azure

the Subscription ID is directly linked to Azure this is where your VM’s are


The Certificate we need to make this by hand.

First the Subscription ID go to the portal and in the Subscriptions there is the ID.



Next we need a Certificate for a selfsigned certificate we can use Makecert but what fun is that .



Create a new self-signed certificate

You can use any tool available to create a self-signed certificate as long as they adhere to these settings:

  • An X.509 certificate.
  • Contains a private key.
  • Created for key exchange (.pfx file).
  • Subject name must match the domain used to access the cloud service. > You cannot acquire an SSL certificate for the (or for any Azure related) domain; the certificate’s subject name must match the custom domain name used to access your application. For example,, not
  • Minimum of 2048-bit encryption.
  • Service Certificate Only: Client-side certificate must reside in the Personal certificate store.

There are two easy ways to create a certificate on Windows, with the makecert.exe utility, or IIS.


This utility has been deprecated and is no longer documented here. Please see this MSDN article for more information.

Create a Certificate with Powershell

there is a new command in powershell : New-SelfSignedCertificate

this is how we create a certificate quick and easy and I also exported the Certificate

#Create new Certificate
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject AzureVMM01 -FriendlyName AzureVMM01 -Type Custom -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\currentuser\My" -KeyExportPolicy ExportableEncrypted -KeyLength 2048 -KeySpec KeyExchange

#set password for PFX
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "P@ssw0rd" -Force -AsPlainText

#Export Certificate
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $cert -FilePath "c:\cert\scvmm16azure.pfx" -Password $password

# to use this certificate in the Azure management portal export it to a .cer file
Export-Certificate -Type CERT -Cert $cert -FilePath "c:\cert\scvmm16azure.cer"



Now that the Certificate is exported I can upload this in the Old Azure V1 portal


Go to Settings and Management Certificates at the bottom there is a upload link.


Select the fresh created Certificate with the right subscription ( must be the same as the ID picked earlier )


Now that the Azure Certificate is in place I check browse and see the local certificate also.


After these steps we see the subscription in the console


here you can manage the VM’s with out the Azure v1 Portal.

As the the Resource Group option is still unavailable you can Vote for this in the user

Add Azure Resource Manager Stack based Azure VMs to the subscription view


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Author: Robert Smit [MVP]

Robert Smit is Senior Technical Evangelist and is a current Microsoft MVP in Clustering as of 2009. Robert has over 20 years experience in IT with experience in the educational, health-care and finance industries. Robert’s past IT experience in the trenches of IT gives him the knowledge and insight that allows him to communicate effectively with IT professionals who are trying to address real concerns around business continuity, disaster recovery and regulatory compliance issues. Robert holds the following certifications: MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer, MCTS - Windows Server Virtualization, MCSE, MCSA and MCPS. He is an active participant in the Microsoft newsgroup community and is currently focused on Hyper-V, Failover Clustering, SQL Server, Azure and all things related to Cloud Computing and Infrastructure Optimalization. Follow Robert on Twitter @ClusterMVP Or follow his blog Linkedin Profile Http:// Robert is also capable of transferring his knowledge to others which is a rare feature in the field of IT. He makes a point of not only solving issues but also of giving on the job training of his colleagues. A customer says " Robert has been a big influence on our technical staff and I have to come to know him as a brilliant specialist concerning Microsoft Products. He was Capable with his in-depth knowledge of Microsoft products to troubleshoot problems and develop our infrastructure to a higher level. I would certainly hire him again in the future. " Details of the Recommendation: "I have been coordinating with Robert implementing a very complex system. Although he was primarily a Microsoft infrastructure specialist; he was able to understand and debug .Net based complext Windows applications and websites. His input to improve performance of applications proved very helpful for the success of our project

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