Microsoft Azure File Server “System error64” or “New-AzureStorageShare Cannot bind parameter Context“ #azure #cloud #MVPBuzz

Microsoft Azure launched a new Option in the Azure Suite a cloud File server. Sounds great how does it work and how to set this up.

First you need to create a new Storage Account


When this account is created you will see a new option in the Dashboard of this storage Account


The next steps will be in Powershell, there is no GUI option here Winking smile

Before you can connect to your Azure Files network share, we have to download a special powershell package for working with the Azure Files, the package can be found


After Downloading this file and extracted we can import the PSD1 file.

# import module and create a context for account and key
import-module "C:\AzureStorageFile\AzureStorageFile.psd1" –Verbose


Next We will create the new storage contex

$ctx=New-AzureStorageContext ‘rsmfile01’ ‘q+35EmhlLUikunngOWvZK8ysEqWpOLaobJNbS7bUtjTDZIRUI72siY956xHEVCS8ckFq5Vo188hmFfTY1XdPeQ==’

Use the Name and the Primary key.

Next step is creating a new Share and this can be tricky why ? well you may have the preview as enabled but it can be still not activated. if so you need to make a call to the Support team from Azure.

a simple check will do the trick Can you ping the DNS name ?


But if the result is this :


You can’t create a share and will se an error

New-AzureStorageShare : Cannot bind parameter ‘Context’. Cannot convert the "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Storage.Model.ResourceModel.AzureStorageContext" value of type
"Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Storage.Model.ResourceModel.AzureStorageContext" to type "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Storage.File.Model.AzureStorageContext".
At line:2 char:48



But if your account is enabled and activated it will work


# create a new share
$s = New-AzureStorageShare ‘newshare1’ -Context $ctx
# create a directory in the test share just created
New-AzureStorageDirectory -Share $s -Path testdir


The next step is mounting the fileshare to a drive letter.


net use * \\\newshare1 /u:rsmfile01 q+35EmhlLUikunngOWvZK8ysEqWpOLaobJNbS7bUtjTDZIRUI72siY956xHEVCS8ckFq5Vo188hmFfTY1XdPeQ==


But also here this will only work from a Azure VM and not from your home computer.



Again this is just a preview Just be sure to understand the limitations of Azure Files the most important are:

  • 5TB per share
  • Max file size 1TB
  • Up to 1000 IOPS (of size 8KB) per share
  • Up to 60MB/s per share of data transfer for large IOs
  • SMB 2.1 support only

But for most parts this is fine just another great @azure option !

Author: Robert Smit [MVP]

Robert Smit is Senior Technical Evangelist and is a current Microsoft MVP in Clustering as of 2009. Robert has over 20 years experience in IT with experience in the educational, health-care and finance industries. Robert’s past IT experience in the trenches of IT gives him the knowledge and insight that allows him to communicate effectively with IT professionals who are trying to address real concerns around business continuity, disaster recovery and regulatory compliance issues. Robert holds the following certifications: MCT - Microsoft Certified Trainer, MCTS - Windows Server Virtualization, MCSE, MCSA and MCPS. He is an active participant in the Microsoft newsgroup community and is currently focused on Hyper-V, Failover Clustering, SQL Server, Azure and all things related to Cloud Computing and Infrastructure Optimalization. Follow Robert on Twitter @ClusterMVP Or follow his blog Linkedin Profile Http:// Robert is also capable of transferring his knowledge to others which is a rare feature in the field of IT. He makes a point of not only solving issues but also of giving on the job training of his colleagues. A customer says " Robert has been a big influence on our technical staff and I have to come to know him as a brilliant specialist concerning Microsoft Products. He was Capable with his in-depth knowledge of Microsoft products to troubleshoot problems and develop our infrastructure to a higher level. I would certainly hire him again in the future. " Details of the Recommendation: "I have been coordinating with Robert implementing a very complex system. Although he was primarily a Microsoft infrastructure specialist; he was able to understand and debug .Net based complext Windows applications and websites. His input to improve performance of applications proved very helpful for the success of our project

9 thoughts on “Microsoft Azure File Server “System error64” or “New-AzureStorageShare Cannot bind parameter Context“ #azure #cloud #MVPBuzz”

  1. Not quite ready for cluster workloads I presume? Surprised SMB 3.0 is not supported. What about SLAs? Can you put a file share witness on it if you are clustering in Azure?

  2. Hi David yes but this is a start, And for clustering no you need a password so this would not work in this version of windows. I bet the Next version of the Cloud OS will be more azure enabled just like SQL 2014.

    And correct SMB 3.0 is not there. but I think it is usefull for Datakeeper join several shares at 1000 IOPS but your configuration is awefull complicated.
    Like my SQL 2014 CSV cluster with AlwaysOn AG hybrid. With one leg in Azure. It is working but… well you know.

    Remember this is a preview alot of things can change during the process.

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