#Azure Server Management Tools offers a set of web-GUI #tools to manage #AzureStack Servers #RSMT #ASMT

Azure Server management tools is currently in preview. Any data collected by Server management tools will be stored in the US.!

As this is a preview you can play with this and it is Cool a nice web management. With the Management server you can manage your on premise AzureStack or Deploy a Template with SCVMM. or just turnoff al your domain controllers.  Oh ok I must re-think my security Policy.

As many Azure is External in some cases it is handled just like a server in a DMZ site. So “real dangerous” this is the Cloud directly connected to the WEB.

This DMZ is now turned and be able to manage your internal servers, what is some one has my azure account that has this gateway…. Well I think this is a cool new feature with a lot of new options. In fact I created a cluster in the Azure GUI but it is running on premises.   

Server management tools enables you to remotely manage machines running Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview. Currently, the tools offer the following capabilities:

  • View and change system configuration
  • View performance across various resources and manage processes and services
  • Manage devices attached to the server
  • View event logs
  • View the list of installed roles and features
  • Use a PowerShell console to manage and automate

The Server management tools connection is routed through a Server management tools gateway. When you create a new connection, you will have the opportunity to create a new gateway or select an existing gateway if one already exists in the same resource group. Click on Create to establish a connection to your Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview machine and start exploring the features available today.

Open your Azure management portal and search : Server management tools in the marketplace


Select the Server management tools and a new window opens with the network layout on how things are connected.


So Hit Create


The Create option opens a new menu with all kinds of options Name Subscription , Resourcegroup.


As this is my first server I create it all Fresh so no connections to other Resource Groups


Configuring a new Server management tools Gateway

If you are creating a new gateway, you will see the following status:


Click to open the Gateway Configuration page and read carefully and follow the directions to set up your on-premises machine or Azure VM as the gateway.

An Server management tools gateway is required to enable communication between the Microsoft Azure portal and your Windows Server 2016 machine. A gateway is typically deployed and configured on the same local network as the Windows Server machine(s) you wish to manage. The customized gateway deployment package below allows you to install the gateway software on a machine of your choice, and automatically configures the gateway profile to register with your Azure subscription. The deployment package must be run locally on the machine that you want to designate as the Server management tools gateway.

Steps to configure your gateway


Save the File on your Windows Server 2016


Use the generated link to download the gateway deployment package now, or copy the link URL to download the package later from the machine on which you intend to install the package.

  1. From the machine that you want to designate as the gateway, unzip the package and run GatewayService.MSI.

  2. Once the gateway installation completes, return to the Microsoft Azure portal and reopen your Server management tools connection.

  3. You should now be able to manage your Windows Server 2016 machine if the Microsoft Azure portal can reach it through the gateway.


The Extracted File is the installation file with the JSON config file.

A quick setup is needed on the Windows Server 2016.


As you can see there is an extra Services running on the Windows Server 2016


When I do a Refresh in the Azure Resource Group.


The manage as command is there just go to the Manage As and fill in the server admin account to manage this server



Fill in the account I us a Local Account as in this scenario I’ll not jumping thru my domain. 


You have established a remote connection to your resource and are now able to perform management tasks on it through the Azure Portal.


Some errors here with no surprise My local Firewall and Remote management WINRM is not configured as the text below described.

Unable to connect to the server ‘mvpmgt01’: WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090311 occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request. Possible causes are: -The user name or password specified are invalid. -Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified. -Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names. -The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist. -The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust between the two domains. After checking for the above issues, try the following: -Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication. -Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. -For more information about WinRM configuration, run the following command: winrm help config.

Managing Workgroup machines

In order to manage workgroup machines (e.g. non-domain-joined Nano Servers), run this command as an administrator on the Server management tools gateway machine:

This setting is different than in the guide in Azure

winrm set winrm/config/client’@{TrustedHosts="< NAME OR IP >"}’

When creating a Server management tools connection to the workgroup machine, use the machine’s IP address as the computer name.

Additional connectivity requirements

If you wish to connect using the local Administrator account, you will need to enable this policy on the target machine by running the following command in an administrator session on the target machine:

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 1

If you wish to connect to a workgroup machine which is not on the same subnet as the gateway, run the following command in an administrator session on the target machine:

NETSH advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM 5985" protocol=TCP dir=in localport=5985 action=allow

Now it is play time



As you can see you can manage the local server, there are more options like powershell and event viewer but this is not easy to use in the web-GUI



Happy Stacking

Robert Smit

Twitter: @clustermvp

Cloud and Datacenter MVP

Azure Stack POCFabricInstaller failed because the following tasks failed: EnableRemotePS #AzureStack #Azure #MAS

Currently I’m testing several MAS POC deployments. With this I deployed my Servers With VMM ready for MAS.

But there are some issues during the deployment.

POCFabricInstaller failed because the following tasks failed: EnableRemotePS



Winrm is configured / installer is full admin  so why ?

As the Azure Stack is running in verbose mode I get some info in a lot of log files


As the Deployment failed here

Microsoft Azure Stack POC Deployment
7 out of 124 task(s) completed

Microsoft Azure Stack POC Fabric Installer
Running Task(s): 1, Completed Task(s): 7, Total Tasks: 52


So time to view the log files for the cause of this error. I know it is not the WinRM config

When checking the log files I find the following info :


Cannot stop service ‘Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) (WinRM)’
because it has dependent services. It can only be stopped if the Force flag is
Job fail due state: Failed


So some dependency is stopping my WinRM service.  when looking at the Service and dependencies I saw this :



ah the VMM agent is causing this error during the Azure Stack deployment.

VERBOSE: Importing function ‘Start-AzureStackDeploymentScheduledTask’.
Report-Progress : The Microsoft Azure Stack POC deployment failed.
Start-PocFabricInstallerTasks : POCFabricInstaller failed because the
following tasks failed: EnableRemotePS
At C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AzureStack\Deployment\RunAzureStackDeploymentTask.p
s1:158 char:19
+ … $result = & "Start-$moduleName`Tasks" -StatusUpdatedCallback {
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorExcep
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorExceptio

At C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AzureStack\Deployment\Get-AzureStackDeploymentStatus.ps1:107 char:15
+ $Result = Report-Progress($status)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Report-Progress


Uninstalling the VMM agent and kicked the Azure Stack deployment PowerShell script again and it worked smoothly


The Logs Can be found here :


Happy Stacking

Robert Smit

Twitter: @clustermvp

Cloud and Datacenter MVP ( Expertise:  High Available )

Azure Stack deployment tweaking #azurestack #azure #deployment

After posting my former blog I got some questions on how to deploy the Stack and where to tweak this.

Well it is easy if you know the PDT kit.

Basically if you extracted the files you will have this folder



in the MicrosoftAzureStackPOC.vhdx are all the scripts during the deployment this disk will be mounted as source So changing files you will need to mount this disk and edit the files before you do the deployment.


First let us edit the Disk types. To make sure in this example the script will work I do only a find / replace no code added. ( you can )

After mounting the disk we edit the Invoke-AzureStackDeploymentPrecheck.ps1 file


in this case I added the “ file backed Virtual” for using local VHD files.


Or change the Memory check set this to 32 GB if you want or to 8 <> Remember this is only to pass the validation changing this could fail the installation.


Or if one Nic is no option in your config.


That’s All

now in the E:\AzureStackInstaller\PoCFabricInstaller folder there is the PoCFabricSettings.xml



In this PoCFabricSettings.xml are all the settings CPU / Memory / Naming you can all change this here but remember it could fail you installation handle with care.


I must say the scripts are great but not a lot of flexibility it takes some testing just to make sure it all worked. I played on a HP blade G9 with SSD’s so running the setup doesn’t take that long but still playing with this kills the day. there is no 10 minute fix troubleshooting takes time.

checkout this forum link to support others.



Happy Stacking

Robert Smit

Twitter: @clustermvp

Cloud and Datacenter MVP ( Expertise:  High Available )

First Errors in Azure Stack Deployment #MAS #AzureStack #Azure #MASCUG Microsoft Azure Stack POC is ready to deploy

Playing with the AzureStack deployment is no picknick there is a Pre-check but you must have the perfect machine to deploy the Azure Stack Bits. So I tweaked the scripts a bit. this is the logical architecture of the Azure Stack POC and its components. all running on a single Hyper-v host.

But even then something can go wrong. As shown below some errors are highlighted.

Check disks failed. At least 3 disks of the same bus type (RAID/SAS/SATA) and with CanPool attribute equals true are
required.   ( I added some other Storage also )

Cannot bind argument to parameter ‘PackagePath’ because it is an empty string  ( used a variable setting before running the script )


Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Stack POC Deployment!
There are several prerequisites checks to verify that your machine meets all the minimum requirements for deploying Microsoft A
zure Stack POC.
All of the prerequisite checks passed.
Please enter the password for the built-in administrator. The password must meet the Azure Active Directory password complexity
Password: **********
Confirm password: **********
Setup system admin account
Please sign in to your Azure account in the Microsoft Azure sign in window.
Press any key to continue …



But after Concurring All the Pre-Requirements you are ready to go Or not ?

During the Deployment I had this error :  Method "NewTriggerByStartup" not found
This seams an updated Powershell module is in place and I have a bug in my build. After some digging in the Powershell modules I managed to fix this.


Microsoft Azure Stack POC is ready to deploy. Continue?
[Y] Yes  [N] No  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
New-ScheduledTaskTrigger : Method "NewTriggerByStartup" not found
At F:\AzureStackInstaller\PoCDeployment\AzureStackDeploymentScheduledTask.psm1:27 char:16
+     $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup
+                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (PS_ScheduledTask:Root/Microsoft/…S_ScheduledTask) [New-ScheduledTaskTrigger]
   , CimException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041002,New-ScheduledTaskTrigger


The real fix is this mofcomp C:\Windows\System32\wbem\SchedProv.mof

and after Some digging I find already a uservoice post on this issue. So vote for this


I must say the scripts are awesome lots of handy stuff in there.  I did the Next Next Finish setup to see what I could expect and how to Build this in a not default environment. SO no single server.

That’s All For now.


Robert Smit

Twitter: @clustermvp

Cloud and Datacenter MVP ( Expertise:  High Available )